// Individuals & Families (under 65)

Major Medical Health Plans

Determining the type of health coverage you should buy really depends on your circumstances.  If you qualify for a subsidy, or, if you have a pre-existing condition you may want to consider a comprehensive health plan directly from one of our top carriers.  We have partnered with Health Sherpa to help you find the best plan on the marketplace. Whatever your circumstance, we can help you find the healthcare coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Close gaps in coverage and lower your costs

Consider a supplemental health plan

// On/Off the Marketplace Exchange

Major Medical Health Plans

Types of Major Medical
Types of Major Medical

Learn about the types of health plans you can buy on or off the Marketplace.

What Is the Marketplace?
What Is the Marketplace?

Learn about the Affordable Care Act and the purpose of the Marketplace.

Is ACA Coverage Mandated?
Is ACA Coverage Mandated?

Most states don't require coverage, however, some states still do.

When Can I Enroll?
When Can I Enroll?

Nov 1st to Dec 15th (Federal Market)
Nov 1st to Jan 15th (PA Exchange)

Special Enrollment Period
Special Enrollment Period

If you missed enrollment, you may qualify for special enrollment.

Do I even need coverage?
Do I even need coverage?

Learn why you should consider buying a health plan, even when if don't have to.